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Mike Solinap

Infrastructure Systems: Cloud, Hybrid, and IPv6

Infrastructure Systems: Cloud, Hybrid, and IPv6

I recently returned from TechEd North America 2014, which was in Houston, TX this year. There were hundreds of vendors and around 10,000 attendees. One of the hottest topics this year was the topic of Cloud – what does it mean for the enterprise and how does it affect...

OSS, Heartbleed, and the Impact on Medical Device Design

OSS, Heartbleed, and the Impact on Medical Device Design

The use of open source software (OSS) within the medical device industry is a double edged sword. On one end of the spectrum, you have freely available code that is available for the world to scrutinize. In the process, one would hope that bugs are more easily...

Cyber Security in Medical Device Design

Cyber Security in Medical Device Design

With the push by big technology players (Cisco, Google, Intel, etc.) towards connectivity in everyday devices, cyber security is becoming more and more crucial. This push is even seen in medical device design as the industry begins to move toward cloud-integrated and...

Common issues using OVF Tool to transfer VMs from the ESXi Shell

Common issues using OVF Tool to transfer VMs from the ESXi Shell

Chances are if you are in IT management or providing IT services you have had to deal with virtualization hosts. When it comes time to retire your old hardware and move to a new host, there are a number of different ways to go about it. One in particular for ESXi lets...

3 Real World vSphere Situations to Avoid

3 Real World vSphere Situations to Avoid

Almost a year ago, I wrote about 10 Pitfalls that Can Impact VMware Performance. I thought I’d revisit this topic, provide some specific situations I've encountered over the past year, and explain what I've learned from them. You may have already taken the advice of...

Keep Track of Passwords with Pleasant Solutions

Keep Track of Passwords with Pleasant Solutions

When involved in IT strategy consulting services, you need a way to keep track of passwords in a safe and accessible manner. There are a number of different options out there ranging from single machine managers to cloud-based services. The one I found to be a great...

Tackling Email Archiving Regulations

Tackling Email Archiving Regulations

Whether or not your in a heavily regulated industry, having a solid email archiving solution is an absolute necessity. Email’s importance in the workplace for the past decade-and-a-half is similar to the need of having a dial tone in years past. In addition, email is...

Continuous Integration in 8 Easy Steps with Buildbot

Continuous Integration in 8 Easy Steps with Buildbot

Several weeks ago, Ron provided some great insight regarding how to install the Hudson continuous integration tool on Windows. This week, I'll be discussing a different tool: Buildbot. My initial exposure to continuous integration tools in general was only a few years...

Calling the Experts to Manage Your IT Network Infrastructure

Calling the Experts to Manage Your IT Network Infrastructure

An often overlooked part of IT network infrastructure management is network security. The majority of business networks, even for small businesses, have a large variety of heterogeneous devices that are working together to provide the services for the various...