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Top 5 How-to Posts of 2012

Top 5 How-to Posts of 2012

The need and desire to learn, understand and develop skills in new areas applies equally to all aspects of daily life including the use and mastering of technology. To this end, how-to tutorials continue to be a fantastic tool for passing on key information. How-to...

Keep Your Developers Developing!

Keep Your Developers Developing!

Software companies often choose to rollout new products by having their developers work directly with beta test customers.  But is this really a good idea? Not really, but let's understand why not, and then consider a couple of best practices if you just have to do it...

Remember Everything with Evernote!

Remember Everything with Evernote!

Evernote has changed my life for the better since I first tried it out a month ago.  I have spent much of my life wishing I could keep a little notebook on me at all times to record odd bits of information that I think I might like to remember.  Little things.  When...

Using Recuva to Recover Lost Files on Your Computer

Using Recuva to Recover Lost Files on Your Computer

Ever empty the Recycle Bin on your Windows machine and regret it? Deleted a file that you really needed? These problems have a solution: Recuva. Recuva, a single purpose utility put out by Piriform, can recover files that have been lost in these kinds of situations:...

Understanding Continuous Integration

Understanding Continuous Integration

Continuous Integration (CI) is a software development methodology that uses small and frequent incremental changes to the code base, which are incorporated into a rapid build and test environment. Each change integrated into the source repository is verified by the...

How to Setup rsnapshot and rsync to Make Simple Snapshot Backups

How to Setup rsnapshot and rsync to Make Simple Snapshot Backups

Most enterprise-grade network storage systems allow you to take "snapshots" of the filesystem stored on it so you can quickly restore a single file or directory...or even restore the entire filesystem to that point in time if need be. So, what do you do if you're a...

Confluence upgrading to 4.0 from 3.8

Confluence upgrading to 4.0 from 3.8

Recently, we upgraded Confluence to 4.0, the latest revision and was pleasantly surprised by the process. The upgrade was seamless, well documented, and no major issues found. Upgrading confluence would have been really simple if we wanted to retain the same server....

Improve your build, test and deployment with ElectricCommander

Improve your build, test and deployment with ElectricCommander

Repeatability is a intuitive aspect of daily life. If you throw a ball up, it must come down. If you throw it twenty times, the same thing will happen, up and then down. When repeatability doesn't occur we get anxious. Repeatability is equally an essential quality in...

Macs in a Corporate IT Environment

Macs in a Corporate IT Environment

­Macs running OS X have been around for quite some time, but only recently have they gained enough traction with our customers at SPK to be used as their day to day desktop environment.  Historically, IT organizations have been reluctant to embrace this change.  This...