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Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 4

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 4

In the three previous rounds of this Metrics, Metrics, Metrics series,  I discussed gathering metrics, and building Reports and Charts in PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager. In this article, we will discuss how you can take various charts, reports and queries and...

How to rename column headers in your PTC Integrity Custom Reports

How to rename column headers in your PTC Integrity Custom Reports

In the Metrics, Metrics, Metrics series of articles I wrote about PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager, I talked about how you can use metrics information gathered from fields on your report to build custom reports, charts and dashboards. Now that the main series is...

An Overview of PTC Integrity Test Management

An Overview of PTC Integrity Test Management

Major portions of any PTC Integrity Solution are the test artifacts. Many customers when they initially start to look at PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager are generally looking at it as way of managing their requirements, or as a way of maintaining compliance in highly...

Electric Commander: Performance Comparison Between ectool and ec-perl

Electric Commander: Performance Comparison Between ectool and ec-perl

Prior to version 5.2, Electric Commander has offered two primary ways to access the API for scripting purposes: ectool and ec-perl. Both allow users to accomplish virtually any task within Commander, but it’s important to note there is a significant performance...

How to Set-up and Perform Impersonation on PTC Integrity

How to Set-up and Perform Impersonation on PTC Integrity

From time to time, if you are administering a PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager you’ll need to be able to log into PTC Integrity as one of the users you support. If you want to avoid requesting their password (if your company uses LDAP to synchronize everyone’s PTC...

Electric Commander: Transferring Homepage Settings Between Users

Electric Commander: Transferring Homepage Settings Between Users

The Electric Commander homepage allows you to bookmark links and job configurations for easy access. It's easy to add one or two, but if you have a lot of links and you want to share them with other users so that they have the same links as well, its a lot of work to...

Electric Commander: Configuring an Alternate Plugins Directory

Electric Commander: Configuring an Alternate Plugins Directory

Electric Commander, now known as CloudBees CD, allows you to set up an alternate location for your plugins directory. This is a two step process and it's easy to forget the second step. If the second step is not done, the system can appear to still be functioning...

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 3

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 3

In my previous articles, I discussed how we can calculate trace report metrics, and then gather them into a report. In this report, I am going to discuss how we can gather similar metrics and put them into a chart format. This time though we are going to use a field...

Getting Started with Electric Cloud’s ntest Tool

Getting Started with Electric Cloud’s ntest Tool

Electric Cloud (now known as CloudBees CD) has released an open-source tool called ec-testing for unit testing Electric Commander procedures. In this video below, David Hubbell demonstrates how to download the tool, set it up, and run example test cases....

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 2

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 2

In my previous entitled “Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 1” I introduced the out of the box traceability metrics that come with PTC Integrity, and talked a little bit about how they work. In this article I will build on that by showing how you can...

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 1

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics in PTC Integrity: Part 1

In any type of Requirements management or development system, the ability to track metrics on what is being done is an important component of knowing where you are in your delivery cycle. This article will be the kick off in a series of articles that will discuss how...

3 Top Trends in Product Lifecycle Engineering Tools

3 Top Trends in Product Lifecycle Engineering Tools

Overview In 2015, SPK and Associates co-founder Chris McHale spoke with Peter Thorne, Director at Cambashi, a Cambridge, England-based independent industry analyst firm. With his over 30 years of experience as a software engineer user, vendor, and now analyst, Peter’s...