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Month: November 2013

Automatic Processing of Content on SolidWorks Workgroup PDM Server

Automatic Processing of Content on SolidWorks Workgroup PDM Server

One of the powerful features of a full enterprise product lifecycle management (PLM) system is being able to post process content uploaded to it. For example, adding a watermark, or changing a revision of a document automatically. The idea behind Solidworks Workgroup...

Configuring FTP services on a website

Configuring FTP services on a website

Every administrator runs into the FTP question eventually: Can we get FTP for our site?  Setting up FTP is relatively easy with a few concerns around security. Old FTP sites were prone to security holes and configurations that were difficult. With vsftpd, the host...

How to install and configure ntop for CentOS/RHEL 6

How to install and configure ntop for CentOS/RHEL 6

In my last blog post, I gave 5 reasons to use ntop (Network TOP) to monitor your company's network. The tool is actually very straightforward to install and configure for infrastructure management, but there are a few steps you'll need to do before you're monitoring...