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Mike Solinap

Can IoT Jump These Five Hurdles?

Can IoT Jump These Five Hurdles?

Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec vel neque a augue interdum eleifend. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla facilisi. Integer luctus massa ut ligula tincidunt accumsan. Proin a ullamcorper sem. Etiam at erat quis justo sollicitudin hendrerit. Aliquam massa ligula nullam.

How Docker Helps Your DevOps Infrastructure

How Docker Helps Your DevOps Infrastructure

These days, everything is moving to virtual. Virtual reality, virtual machines, and with Docker, virtual filesystems. Actually, Docker is not virtual, it's very real and is a very convenient way to package an entire filesystem and run it on any supported system. Why...

SPK Develops Dashboard for E*Trade’s Electric Commander

SPK Develops Dashboard for E*Trade’s Electric Commander

Why are dashboards important? In a nutshell, they allow you to visually present information in a way that is meaningful to the reader. They allow the reader to immediately see trends, and more importantly, quickly make decisions or change behavior in order get better...

Are You Asking The Right Cloud Security Questions?

Are You Asking The Right Cloud Security Questions?

In my most recent blog articles, I discussed a few aspects an organization might want to consider when looking at a cloud-based solution. Security is one of the top issues on the list. Regardless of whether your application consists of highly sensitive patient data...

Bringing Your Own Apple Device and Developing a BYOD Policy

Bringing Your Own Apple Device and Developing a BYOD Policy

In today’s world, everyone has a mobile device; cell phones, tablets, or a hybrid of the two. In a blog post published on ZDNet in June 2014, Dimensional Research conducted a survey of more than 300 IT leaders, and concluded specifically Apple’s enterprise presence is...

It Takes a City – Cloud Backup Goes Big

It Takes a City – Cloud Backup Goes Big

Not long ago, the city of Asheville, NC migrated their infrastructure backups and disaster recovery to a cloud backup solution utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS). This not only saved the city government a lot in expenses, it provided the city a fail-safe in case of...

Have Hybrid Cloud Solutions Become Commonplace? IBM Thinks So

Have Hybrid Cloud Solutions Become Commonplace? IBM Thinks So

IBM’s acquisition of SoftLayer roughly a year ago has supposedly fueled hybrid cloud adoption -- but why now, and why hybrid solutions? After all, isn't the beauty of the cloud its scalability, quick implementation times, and low cost? Wanting to retain physical IT...

How a Possible VMWare Spin Off Affects your Company

How a Possible VMWare Spin Off Affects your Company

A possible EMC/VMWare spin off is in the works, which could benefit stock prices and investors, but what about companies relying on VMWare's high availability virtualization software? Would a spin off mean improved technology focus, or a shift in the virtual machine...

Software Development Best Practices: Code Reviews – Part 3

Software Development Best Practices: Code Reviews – Part 3

In this third and final installment of my three-part software engineering best practices series on code reviews, we will look at the various tools available to facilitate the code review process. We've already looked at the benefits of code reviews and why conducting...

5 Reasons You Want Your PLM in the Cloud

5 Reasons You Want Your PLM in the Cloud

Put it in the cloud. You’ve heard this catch phrase over and over again, more so in recent years with the proliferation of online technologies and services. As more and more PLM software vendors choose to move their application to the cloud, should you consider moving...