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SPK Blog Post

The IT Guy’s Backpack

The IT Guy’s Backpack

I hate being unprepared. When I was in high school, I had a locker. I even had one of those clever plastic shelves and a magnetic mirror. You know what I stored in there? Nothing -- I spent far too much time watching MacGuyver. So I carried around all my books, pens,...

The Convergence of ALM and PLM in the Technology Industry

The Convergence of ALM and PLM in the Technology Industry

As more and more technology is embedded into products, and software continues its role as the primary driver for product innovation, the domains of application lifecycle management (ALM) and product lifecycle management (PLM) are being placed on an inevitable...

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: People

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: People

There are things in every system that if they fail will cause the entire system to be crippled. These single points of failure can be hardware based, software based or even people based. If a problem occurs in these sensitive areas then an entire business can grind to...

Adapting Application Lifecycle Management to DevOps

Adapting Application Lifecycle Management to DevOps

Does the new trend towards DevOps threaten the integrity of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)? The very nature of DevOps, which bridges the gap between development and operations through increased communication and continuous development cycles, would at first...

How Engineering Downtime can Cripple a Company

How Engineering Downtime can Cripple a Company

It is understandable and smart that companies try to gain cost savings wherever possible while continuing to be profitable and innovative. However, some so-called savings can actually cost more, even when considered over a short or medium term time period. Engineering...

How to Install the Hudson Continuous Integration Tool on Windows

How to Install the Hudson Continuous Integration Tool on Windows

This week we are going to begin taking a look at Hudson, a widely used continuous build and integration tool. Hudson is a state of the art continuous build tool which now has seen wide adoption for software engineering. Hudson supports most of the more prominent...

How to Migrate a Site using MODX Content Management System

How to Migrate a Site using MODX Content Management System

When copying a site from one host to another, you may want to change user, password, database, directory structure or URL -- and when deploying website, you may occasionally run into a new content manager that you need to understand enough to move the site to a new...

How to Clone from a Large Hard Disk to a Smaller Hard Disk

How to Clone from a Large Hard Disk to a Smaller Hard Disk

Most of the time that I'm asked to do a clone of a computer, it's usually restoring an image onto a brand new computer which saves me hours of setup work and configuration. In fact, my very first blog talked about how I deploy user workstations using Clonezilla. There...

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: Hardware

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: Hardware

Continuing our series on why economizing in the wrong areas can leave your business at risk, it is time to start considering single points of failure. A single point of failure is a part of your IT and development system, be it human, software, hardware or...

Five Techniques to Resist Hiring Temptation

Five Techniques to Resist Hiring Temptation

Here we go again; the economy is recovering and competition is heating up for your crucial technical staff. As you interview candidates there will be temptation to hire someone who may not seem “quite right”. In normal times you wouldn't hire such a person...but darn...

6 Tips for Designing an Effective Data Entry GUI

6 Tips for Designing an Effective Data Entry GUI

There is a subtle art to creating an appealing, well-structured data entry graphical user interface (GUI). Due to the repetitive interaction users have with data entry GUIs, small things like choice of colors and the size of margins can have actual consequences...

9 Ways To Repurpose an Underperforming Laptop

9 Ways To Repurpose an Underperforming Laptop

In a recent post, I discussed how to resolve 3 common (yet significant) issues with a broken laptop. Chances are, even if the issue is fixed, your computer may not run as well as it used to. But all hope is not lost. Say for instance you have an old 1.2ghz Celeron...