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7 Ways to Fight Feature Creep

7 Ways to Fight Feature Creep

I was recently involved in a project in which the goal was to streamline and automate a manual software deployment process using Electric Cloud's product ElectricCommander. The Scope of Work was laid out, development was underway, and my coworker and I felt very...

Is the Cloud the Best for Application Management Services?

Is the Cloud the Best for Application Management Services?

As the push towards the cloud continues, the inertia of its popularity can leave CTOs with the impression that the world is black and white with only two options: in the cloud or not in the cloud. The nuances and diversity of solutions can therefore be lost in the...

The Cloud and Outsourcing in 2013

The Cloud and Outsourcing in 2013

As the push towards the cloud continues, 2013 will see a growing emphasis on cloud-related outsourcing projects. Cloud-related IT expenditure covers a wide range of areas including; Software as a Service (SaaS), cloud compute centers, infrastructure as a service...

Why Manufacturers Are Switching to SaaS

Why Manufacturers Are Switching to SaaS

While SaaS has not been extremely prevalent in the manufacturing industry in the past, it has become an essential investment for many organizations in recent years. Its flexible, scalable interface enables collaboration, leading many businesses to make the switch to...

The DevOps Starter Guide

The DevOps Starter Guide

DevOps is not just a buzzword; it's a transformative approach that's reshaping the way businesses build, deliver, and secure software. And it's your key to staying ahead in your industry. If you want to get started with DevOps, optimize your software development and...

Costs and Benefits of Moving a .NET Application to the Cloud

Costs and Benefits of Moving a .NET Application to the Cloud

Do you know the full cost and benefits of moving your .NET application to the cloud? In this guide we’ll cover everything you need to know about your .NET cloud migration. Is this guide for you? If you’re faced with outdated legacy systems and the pressures of digital...