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What’s the difference between Creo 8 and Creo 10?

What’s the difference between Creo 8 and Creo 10?

Introduction: Creo 8 vs. Creo 10 Features Hi everybody, I am Daniela, and I am the MCAD Specialist for SPK and Associates. Today, I wanted to go over what's new in Creo 10, especially for those coming from Creo 8. Let's get into it! Ease of Use and Productivity First,...

Five Major Downsides of Changing Software Tools

Five Major Downsides of Changing Software Tools

Switching to new software tools can often seem like an exciting opportunity to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and modernize operations. Some executives seem to think that simply buying a new software tool will solve many problems at once. However, with...

Key Design Capabilities for Gaining Competitive Market Share

Key Design Capabilities for Gaining Competitive Market Share

In the current competitive market, innovation and quality are the primary drivers for gaining market share. To remain competitive, companies must design and deliver products that exceed performance standards while balancing cost and production efficiency. Achieving...

Transitioning from CATIA V5 to Creo for Enhanced Innovation

Transitioning from CATIA V5 to Creo for Enhanced Innovation

As time goes on, Dassault Systems is migrating more and more users from CATIA V5 to its newer 3DEXPERIENCE (3DX) platform. For many organizations, this shift is more than just a few software updates. The migration can lead to costly investments, a steep learning curve...

Accelerating Product Development with Model-Based Design

Accelerating Product Development with Model-Based Design

The speed and efficiency of product development can make or break a company’s success.  As a consulting company, we see it often.  SPK and Associates not only helps companies purchase Creo licenses, but we also provide expert consulting services to aid your business...

Overcoming Solidworks Slowdowns on Large Assemblies

Overcoming Solidworks Slowdowns on Large Assemblies

As any engineer knows, time is a critical resource. Nothing is more frustrating than being stuck in a cycle of waiting.  For those working with SolidWorks on large assemblies, the pain is all too familiar. Frequent crashes, slow loading times, and the sheer size of...

The Impact of vCAD on Workstation Performance in Generative Design

The Impact of vCAD on Workstation Performance in Generative Design

The rise of AI and generative design has revolutionized the design process for engineers, giving them a range of design alternatives in seconds. Modern tools like PTC’s Creo have proven that generative design can optimize designs when properly utilized. The downside...