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Three Key Reasons To Work With An AWS Managed Services Partner

Three Key Reasons To Work With An AWS Managed Services Partner

The cloud is still in its infancy, yet has already evolved at an extraordinary rate, leaving some organizations feeling like they missed the boat, or that they need to play catch-up. But, this isn’t true. An AWS Managed Services Partner can ease your cloud transition,...

How CloudBees Uses Feature Management to Gain Competitive Advantage

How CloudBees Uses Feature Management to Gain Competitive Advantage

In this whitepaper, you’ll discover how CloudBees Feature Management Flags can help you gain a competitive advantage in the market.  Discover CloudBees Feature Management In this CloudBees Feature flag whitepaper, you’ll learn: How to increase your developer...

SMB Cloud Migration Best Practices 2023

SMB Cloud Migration Best Practices 2023

For small and medium businesses cloud migration can feel like an overwhelming task to start. But, at SPK we support many businesses (of all sizes!) globally to migrate their infrastructure to the cloud. Here are some of our expert tips to support a smooth...

The Power of Atlassian Insights for Asset Management

The Power of Atlassian Insights for Asset Management

Welcome to the demo of Atlassian Insight for Asset Management with your host, Shane Donoher, Solution Engineer at SPK and Associates. Why Is Atlassian Insight Management A Powerful Tool? Insight Asset Management was recently acquired by Atlassian and is now part of...

Moving Code Corp to the Atlassian Cloud

Moving Code Corp to the Atlassian Cloud

Code Corp has around 250 users of their Atlassian suite and specializes in high-performance barcode readers and scanning software. This hardware and software provide data capture for many different industries and use cases. Additionally, they power track-and-trace...

The Guide to Advanced Jenkins

The Guide to Advanced Jenkins

Jenkins®, is arguably one of the most popular development tools on the planet, with some reports estimating that over 70% of all continuous integration pipelines run on Jenkins. It’s great at helping small, agile development teams build, test, and deploy multiple...

Unlock Your Growth Potential with Migration to the Cloud

Unlock Your Growth Potential with Migration to the Cloud

Unlock your growth by migrating to the cloud with SPK and AWS. On-premises data centers offer limited scaling potential and aging infrastructure. Not to mention weaker cybersecurity. Comparatively, the cloud provides the polar opposite. Yet, some businesses feel...

Moving Splunk’s 10,000 users to Atlassian Cloud

Moving Splunk’s 10,000 users to Atlassian Cloud

Considering if you're ready to migrate to Atlassian Cloud? Check out how Splunk, aka, "the data platform of the hybrid world" moved 10,000 of their users. Venturing out of your comfort zone can seem overwhelming. But, the cost of “this is how we’ve always done it”...

Cloud Security: The Shared Responsibilty Model Explained

Cloud Security: The Shared Responsibilty Model Explained

Transformative tech trends like the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and dispersed workforces have increased cloud adoption. Why? Because it provides the ability for agility, productivity, and scalability like no other...

Solving for the “Islands of Jenkins”

Solving for the “Islands of Jenkins”

In October 2022, I wrote a blog post entitled “Scaling Jenkins for the Enterprise”.  Within it, I described the “Islands of Jenkins” problem organizations face. Essentially, this problem stems from companies using an open-source Jenkins installation for each team, but...

Infrastructure as Code with Terraform

Infrastructure as Code with Terraform

Before we begin to talk in detail about this topic, we should clarify some definitions first.  The first term comes from the DevOps movement where IT Operations staff use the concept of revision history/version control by using the concept of infrastructure as code. ...

The Top Reasons to Pick Premium Atlassian Cloud Plans

The Top Reasons to Pick Premium Atlassian Cloud Plans

As I engage with clients in their journey to Atlassian Cloud, I am often asked about capabilities that differentiate the different Atlassian Cloud plans.  “What’s the difference between Standard, Premium, and Enterprise?”  Because there has been a theme to the...