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SPK Is CloudBees Service Partner Of The Year 2022

SPK Is CloudBees Service Partner Of The Year 2022

Today, CloudBees announced that SPK and Associates has received CloudBees Service Partner of the year award in 2022.  This includes exceptional efforts in developing new business, thought leadership, and products and services that complement CloudBees technology...

Scaling Jenkins for the Enterprise

Scaling Jenkins for the Enterprise

I’m Michael Roberts, Vice President for SPK. And I want to tell you the tricks for scaling your business effectively with a Jenkins enterprise solution. I'll also explain how to avoid, and remediate both a Jenkins monolith, and islands of Jenkins. In the early part of...

What Is CloudBees Used For?

What Is CloudBees Used For?

Moving quickly and safely can be a fine balance for many businesses. There’s a need to get products to market, fast and an equal need to mitigate risks. How can you quickly release updates of your software product to the market but be able to revert updates if...

2022: The Year So Far Tech Review

2022: The Year So Far Tech Review

There’s been a lot of innovation, software and product releases in the past six months alone. So, we are rounding up the best tech review and engineering releases for the first half of 2022. The tech forecast for 2022 was heavily influenced by how the world adjusted...

CloudBees SDA:  Software Delivery Without Silos

CloudBees SDA:  Software Delivery Without Silos

Tired of missing deadlines, and only measuring performance of departments, but not of your entire software delivery organization? This blog will show you how CloudBees Software Delivery Automation (CloudBees SDA) can break down silos, drive DevOps mentality and...

DevOps and CloudBees Accelerate Banking Innovation Part 2

DevOps and CloudBees Accelerate Banking Innovation Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, we talked about the banking innovation industry threats and market conditions. We discussed how DevOps and CI/CD tools can help to mitigate threats. We also discussed why tools like Jenkins, CloudBees CD/RO and CloudBeesSoftware Delivery...

Kubernetes – what is it?

Kubernetes – what is it?

https://youtu.be/surIUapPcOc Here is the VLOG transcript for our Kubernetes 101 looking to answer "Kubernetes, what is it?", and Kubernetes deployment. Hello, my name is Jeff Dusk. I’m part of the CloudBees core team and we're going to go over Kubernetes 101. Overview...

Why You Should Use CloudBees Continuous Delivery Schedules

Why You Should Use CloudBees Continuous Delivery Schedules

What Is The Self Service Catalog? The CloudBees Continuous Delivery Self Service catalog is a powerful tool that allows non-technical people to run reports, and technical people to accelerate setup and configuration.   Why Should I Use Self Service Catalog? The Self...

What Is The Self Service Catalog In CloudBees CD?

What Is The Self Service Catalog In CloudBees CD?

Let's Define It Self service catalog is a powerful tool that allows non-technical people to run reports, and technical people to accelerate setup and configuration. Why Should I Use The Self Service Catalog? The self service catalog creates an easy to use UI for...

5 Best Practices That Could Have Protected You From Log4J

5 Best Practices That Could Have Protected You From Log4J

Log4j:  What Is It? On December 9, 2021, a critical exploit named "Log4j" was disclosed to the world.  This exploit was particularly harrowing due to the fact that the software library which it targeted is so widely utilized.  “Log4Shell” (CVE-2021-44228,...

Using Credentials In Code In CloudBees SDA

Using Credentials In Code In CloudBees SDA

Credentials Are Tough By Design Credentials in Cloudbees SDA are admittedly a little tricky to get to. This is by design.  If it were any easier, it could be a potential security risk. There is really just one way to use credentials in code, and it’s a multi-step...