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Data Engineering

10 Pitfalls That Can Impact VMWare Performance

10 Pitfalls That Can Impact VMWare Performance

Ensuring servers provide consistent performance is a primary goal for all infrastructure management services . A large portion of our servers are in a virtualized environment, and the additional complexity involved there can present some challenging performance...

Alternative Ways to Deploy Web Services Other Than the Cloud

Alternative Ways to Deploy Web Services Other Than the Cloud

During 2012, the shining star for cloud services has once again been Amazon’s web service (AWS) offering. It success and popularity has made it an almost household name for cloud based web services. However AWS, or any other web services cloud offering, isn't the only...

The Cloud and Outsourcing in 2013

The Cloud and Outsourcing in 2013

As the push towards the cloud continues, 2013 will see a growing emphasis on cloud-related outsourcing projects. Cloud-related IT expenditure covers a wide range of areas including; Software as a Service (SaaS), cloud compute centers, infrastructure as a service...

Dropbox: Do Everything!

Dropbox: Do Everything!

I will assume that everyone reading this is familiar with Dropbox -- my favorite program ever -- but I would like to highlight some newer features and espouse the virtues of this program in case anyone is still living in 2007. Dropbox acts as a shared folder between...

Troubleshoot Common Application & Network Issues with tcpdump

Troubleshoot Common Application & Network Issues with tcpdump

Here's a common situation:  you manage an application;  you haven't gone through a release; no patches have been applied (to your knowledge); and the infrastructure guys say that they haven't touched the network in ages.  But a user calls, and to your...

Accelerating Product Development with Engineering Operations

Accelerating Product Development with Engineering Operations

What is Engineering Operations (EngOps)? Why do you need it, and how do you effectively deploy it?There’s a strange interplay between IT and engineering teams in most firms. That’s because the tech stack that engineers need to design, build, test, and release products...

The problem dispersed design teams face as they scale

The problem dispersed design teams face as they scale

SPK and Associates Co-Founder, Chris McHale, is joined by Cloud and Infrastructure expert, Mike Solinap to talk about engineering productivity in a post-Covid world.  Working remotely, engineering team are challenged by a lack of technology features including...

3 Ways Your PDM isn’t rolled out properly

3 Ways Your PDM isn’t rolled out properly

In this webinar, SPK and Associates co-founder Chris McHale is joined by Edwin Chung to discuss Engineering Ops.  We define Engineering Operations as all of the actionable work that takes place in order for your product teams to engineer your product.  And we believe...

Top 3 PLM Predictions from Oleg Shilovitsky — Talking Beyond PLM

Top 3 PLM Predictions from Oleg Shilovitsky — Talking Beyond PLM

SPK and Associates co-founder Chris McHale spoke with PLM expert Oleg Shilovitsky, founder of BeyondPLM.com, to get his top three product lifecycle management (PLM) predictions for 2015. PLM vendors will encounter greater complexity when delivering cloud solutions New...