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How to Obtain Electric Commander Metrics for Use in a GWT Plugin

How to Obtain Electric Commander Metrics for Use in a GWT Plugin

Developed by Electric Cloud, Electric Commander is an extremely versatile tool for enhancing and automating your organization’s software development build-test-deploy cycle. Commander makes it possible to eliminate unnecessary lag time between phases of the...

Continuous Builds – A Customer Experience

Continuous Builds – A Customer Experience

Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC): In our last article we discussed speeding up your build by leveraging tools such as Electric Accelerator. In this article we will discuss the process of Continuous Integration (CI) along with a customer experience utilizing...

Using DevOps and Cloud to rapidly respond and scale

Using DevOps and Cloud to rapidly respond and scale

BackgroundSPK was contacted by a software company that provides healthcare cost optimization through a web platform. Their mission is to provide customers with a method to reduce spending while maintaining quality healthcare for their employees.  With an expanding...

Lockheed Martin saves time, money, and tech muscle with GitLab

Lockheed Martin saves time, money, and tech muscle with GitLab

The world’s largest defense contractor uses GitLab’s end-to-end DevSecOps platform to shrink toolchains, speed production, and improve security.   Lockheed Martin Corp., an American aerospace, defense, information security, and technology giant, has adopted...

Salesforce Migrates DevOps to the Cloud with CloudBees CI

Salesforce Migrates DevOps to the Cloud with CloudBees CI

Industry:  Software Geography: Global Salesforce empowers software developers to create high-quality, secure enterprise apps on its Force.com platform by moving development operations to the cloud using CloudBees CI and Amazon EKS. Challenge: Migrate app development...