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Engineering Operations

Troubleshoot Common Application & Network Issues with tcpdump

Troubleshoot Common Application & Network Issues with tcpdump

Here's a common situation:  you manage an application;  you haven't gone through a release; no patches have been applied (to your knowledge); and the infrastructure guys say that they haven't touched the network in ages.  But a user calls, and to your...

The Cloud and Outsourcing in 2013

The Cloud and Outsourcing in 2013

As the push towards the cloud continues, 2013 will see a growing emphasis on cloud-related outsourcing projects. Cloud-related IT expenditure covers a wide range of areas including; Software as a Service (SaaS), cloud compute centers, infrastructure as a service...

Outsourcing of Vital IT Tasks to Grow in 2013

Outsourcing of Vital IT Tasks to Grow in 2013

In 2013, roughly one third of businesses will increase their IT outsourcing budgets. Chief Information Officers and CEOs, from small businesses to large enterprises, are planning to up their spending on the outsourcing of web/e-commerce platforms, application...

Keep Your Developers Developing!

Keep Your Developers Developing!

Software companies often choose to rollout new products by having their developers work directly with beta test customers.  But is this really a good idea? Not really, but let's understand why not, and then consider a couple of best practices if you just have to do it...

Accessing Enterprise Applications from Windows 8 RT

Accessing Enterprise Applications from Windows 8 RT

In a recent post, I spent a few minutes with Windows 8 and Office 2013 using a Dell Latitude ST -- and in my excitement over the launch of a new Microsoft tablet, I purchased a Microsoft Surface running Windows 8 RT hoping to see how it performs in an...

Remember Everything with Evernote!

Remember Everything with Evernote!

Evernote has changed my life for the better since I first tried it out a month ago.  I have spent much of my life wishing I could keep a little notebook on me at all times to record odd bits of information that I think I might like to remember.  Little things.  When...

How to Setup rsnapshot and rsync to Make Simple Snapshot Backups

How to Setup rsnapshot and rsync to Make Simple Snapshot Backups

Most enterprise-grade network storage systems allow you to take "snapshots" of the filesystem stored on it so you can quickly restore a single file or directory...or even restore the entire filesystem to that point in time if need be. So, what do you do if you're a...

Does your Outsourcing Company Have the Right Experience?

Does your Outsourcing Company Have the Right Experience?

Outsourcing IT, technical and engineering related tasks, rather than employing extra staff, is a cost effective way of staying flexible in an ever changing market and economy. However, one big question that needs to be answered is; does your outsourcing company have...

Outsourcing is the Best Way to Stay Flexible, Even Elastic!

Outsourcing is the Best Way to Stay Flexible, Even Elastic!

The technology industry loves buzzwords. The decade of the '80s was all about synergy and paradigm shifts. In the '90s, it was the web and the Internet. The turn of the century brought talk about virtualization and social media. Today it's all about the cloud. Of...