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Engineering Operations

How to Resolve 3 Common Laptop Issues

How to Resolve 3 Common Laptop Issues

For many of us, having old hardware laying around means clutter for the desk or maybe an investment that you're not quite ready to dispose of. Maybe you have a laptop that a child stepped on or was damaged when you "accidentally" dropped it. Whatever the reason, old...

How does the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid Taste?

How does the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid Taste?

I’m just going to come out and say it: I drank the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid. My coworkers mock me, and I accept this. But darn it, I want to believe! (and it tastes a lot better than what I was drinking before.) And it's certainly better than if I wandered over to the...

Netlist Flows between Mentor Graphics and Cadence Applications

Netlist Flows between Mentor Graphics and Cadence Applications

Looking for a way to jump between applications? Here’s the first of many workflows I use for going between applications. I’ll continue this series with DxDesigner -> Allegro PCB Editor next week. DxDesigner -> PADS Layout Open your project. In this case, I’m...

Confluence upgrading to 4.0 from 3.8

Confluence upgrading to 4.0 from 3.8

Recently, we upgraded Confluence to 4.0, the latest revision and was pleasantly surprised by the process. The upgrade was seamless, well documented, and no major issues found. Upgrading confluence would have been really simple if we wanted to retain the same server....

Improve your build, test and deployment with ElectricCommander

Improve your build, test and deployment with ElectricCommander

Repeatability is a intuitive aspect of daily life. If you throw a ball up, it must come down. If you throw it twenty times, the same thing will happen, up and then down. When repeatability doesn't occur we get anxious. Repeatability is equally an essential quality in...

Outsourcing is the Best Way to Stay Flexible, Even Elastic!

Outsourcing is the Best Way to Stay Flexible, Even Elastic!

The technology industry loves buzzwords. The decade of the '80s was all about synergy and paradigm shifts. In the '90s, it was the web and the Internet. The turn of the century brought talk about virtualization and social media. Today it's all about the cloud. Of...

Macs in a Corporate IT Environment

Macs in a Corporate IT Environment

­Macs running OS X have been around for quite some time, but only recently have they gained enough traction with our customers at SPK to be used as their day to day desktop environment.  Historically, IT organizations have been reluctant to embrace this change.  This...

To SSD or not to SSD

To SSD or not to SSD

What is an SSD? The term SSD (Solid State Drive), can refer to any drive that uses solid state components to store information, or more to the point - has no moving parts.  When we hear terms like 'Flash Drive' or 'Thumb Drive', we typically don't think SSD, but...

Seven Attitude Hacks for Better IT Service

Seven Attitude Hacks for Better IT Service

Attitudes are important things -- they are the lens through which we filter everything life throws at us, and they can either be the secret to our success or our undoing. We've all heard the stereotype that says IT professionals have bad attitudes, and maybe your own...

Why an Automated Development Process Benefits Developers

Why an Automated Development Process Benefits Developers

Automated development, rather than just automated builds, offers a more holistic approach to automating the development process including building, testing and deployment. It is the cornerstone of Continuous Integration (CI). CI uses a model of small incremental...

A Brief History of Automated Builds

A Brief History of Automated Builds

Almost every programming book starts with an example of a small program which can be compiled from the command line using a simple call to the compiler with maybe a few flags. Known as “Hello World”, the few lines of code needed to output the text is almost universal....