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Engineering Operations

Five Reasons to Outsource Compute Farm and Server Management

Five Reasons to Outsource Compute Farm and Server Management

The paradigm of computing resource configurations have changed several times of the last 40 years. From mainframes to mini computers, through desktops and file servers to server farms, software as a service and the cloud. Any company that uses server farms or...

DIACAP and Gold Disk: What about Windows 7?

DIACAP and Gold Disk: What about Windows 7?

This post is in response to David’s excellent post about Gold Disk. I recently performed some DIACAP Compliance testing using Gold Disk on one of our products, which was built on Windows XP Embedded.  That process is fairly straightforward, even though Gold Disk is...

4 Reasons to Use Static Analysis on Your Codebase

4 Reasons to Use Static Analysis on Your Codebase

All of us who work in software development want the products that we release to be high quality, and also low cost to maintain in the field. This is no big revelation; it’s common knowledge, and it’s common sense. It’s not clear that there is any silver bullet in...

FlexPOD for Infrastructure as a Service

FlexPOD for Infrastructure as a Service

The other day, I went to a presentation of FlexPOD and was impressed.   FlexPOD is a collaboration of efforts from Cisco, VMWare, and NetApp.   What it offers is a highly flexible framework to grow IT datacenters they are calling Infrastructure as a service (IIAS). If...

How to Restore Data Using Bacula

How to Restore Data Using Bacula

Imagine (if you dare) the worst case scenario with your company's data. Double disk drive failure, all data lost. You need to recover that data as fast as possible due to deadlines. You've been diligent about your backups using Bacula, but now they are going to be put...

Top 5 IT Infrastructure Posts of 2011 from SPK’s Blog

Top 5 IT Infrastructure Posts of 2011 from SPK’s Blog

Today, we're bringing you a rewind of the most popular IT Infrastructure posts of 2011. Enjoy these favorites from our blog as this year winds down. Number 5 - Solve 100 Problems with a Bootable USB Flash Drive What everyday device can be used for troubleshooting 100...

Server Room Cooling Plan

Server Room Cooling Plan

With today's computers, cooling is critical.  When moving to a new site, it's necessary to ensure the new server room will meet your needs prior to move-in.   Using some quick estimation techniques, there's ways to ensure the needed power for your servers. Here's a...

Two Ways IT Outsourcing Can Unleash Innovation

Two Ways IT Outsourcing Can Unleash Innovation

One of the most frequently cited windfalls of IT outsourcing is the level of autonomy that’s created for internal IT staff who are able to devote more time and energy to pursuits aimed at benefiting the business. This includes innovative approaches to applying...

Redhat vs. Ubuntu in a Corporate Environment

Redhat vs. Ubuntu in a Corporate Environment

Picking a linux distribution can be an extremely daunting task.  Wikipedia lists at least several hundred of them, although many of them are targeted for very specific hardware architectures or embedded devices.  In the PC world, there are still a ton to...

3 Advantages of Purchasing a VMware Solution

3 Advantages of Purchasing a VMware Solution

Has your organization started integrating virtual infrastructure into your overall IT services plan? If not, a quote from Star Trek may be in order, "Resistance is futile." In today’s IT world, the likelihood that your organization is running some sort of...