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To SSD or not to SSD

To SSD or not to SSD

What is an SSD? The term SSD (Solid State Drive), can refer to any drive that uses solid state components to store information, or more to the point - has no moving parts.  When we hear terms like 'Flash Drive' or 'Thumb Drive', we typically don't think SSD, but...

How to Install Snort on a Redhat 6 Box

How to Install Snort on a Redhat 6 Box

Snort is used for performing security checks on network boundaries. This can be done on the outside Untrust network but is sometimes more useful to look at what’s getting through your firewall into the web servers. Follow our step-by-step instructions on how...

5 Minutes with Windows 8 and Office 2013

5 Minutes with Windows 8 and Office 2013

Dell Latitude ST This is the Dell Latitude ST, which can be had from the Dell Outlet store for about $300. It’s a 10-inch tablet slate running an Atom Z670 and 2GB of RAM – like a Netbook without a keyboard. Instead, it has an N-trig digitizer that supports both...

Deploying IPv6 on a Cisco IOS router with a Tunnel Broker

Deploying IPv6 on a Cisco IOS router with a Tunnel Broker

The time has finally come! Just a few days ago, major internet companies participated in IPv6 Launch Day – meaning from this point forward, they will be running their production systems and making their services available to you via the IPv6 in addition to IPv4....

Gain Greater Control Over Windows Disk Defragmentation with Defraggler

Gain Greater Control Over Windows Disk Defragmentation with Defraggler

This week we have a look at an alternative to Windows Disk Defragmenter. Piriform has a number of Windows utility offerings, among which is Defraggler. Defraggler has the following capabilities, a number of which are not available with the Windows default utility. 1....

Outsource Your System Administration to Set Your Engineers Free

Outsource Your System Administration to Set Your Engineers Free

The inquisitive nature of engineers, which makes them so good at designing, developing and building products, can also lead them to become distracted by other “interesting things” like managing the very systems and tools that allow them to do their engineering....

Setting up Web metrics with Webalizer

Setting up Web metrics with Webalizer

When managing websites, it's important to have metrics on the site for both admin and content owners. One of the easiest ways to do this is Webalizer. It is a free tool that uses the Apache access log to provide a graphical presentation of usage. Attached is a quick...

How to add more disk space to your Redhat server without reformatting

How to add more disk space to your Redhat server without reformatting

One of the common tasks for any system administrator is managing disk space on a server. It doesn't matter what operating system the server is running, free disk space is always something you keep an eye on. I won't go into a boring lecture on why managing disk space...

Creating a Custom Nagios Plugin

Creating a Custom Nagios Plugin

Nagios is an invaluable tool to help monitor a customer's infrastructure.  Last year, I explained how easy it was to be able to integrate Network Appliance health checks.  In fact, Nagios provides a plethora of out of the box plugins.  Additional plugins are available...

In Celebration of IPv6

In Celebration of IPv6

On June 8th of last year, an event known as World IPv6 Day was celebrated. Well, “celebrated” might carry a little too much emphasis – perhaps instead, World IPv6 Day was observed. And what did you do to celebrate this observance of the future? Well, if you are like...