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PDM/PLM-Product Data and Lifecycle Management

Mobile CAD Applications – Ready for Primetime?

Mobile CAD Applications – Ready for Primetime?

One of the main reasons people purchase a smartphone is to have information at their fingertips. Does that apply to the world of CAD applications? The answer is very dependent on what you want to actually do with this data. Do you want to design a complex...

How To Leverage Jira as a Service Desk

How To Leverage Jira as a Service Desk

Many of you are undoubtedly familiar with using Jira as an issue tracker. But for those of you who have been juggling issue tracking and meeting SLA requirements -- and for those of you who had the recently acquired VertygoSLA addon -- this article may be useful...

Agile Development in Regulated Environments Part 2: Key Practices

Agile Development in Regulated Environments Part 2: Key Practices

In Agile Development in Regulated Environments -- Part 1: Yes, it can work, I covered the common misconceptions about Agile Software Development -- specifically in highly-regulated industries like medical device. The common myth that regulators would not accept Agile...

Keep Track of Passwords with Pleasant Solutions

Keep Track of Passwords with Pleasant Solutions

When involved in IT strategy consulting services, you need a way to keep track of passwords in a safe and accessible manner. There are a number of different options out there ranging from single machine managers to cloud-based services. The one I found to be a great...

How To Use ClearCase clearfsimport and Avoid Pitfalls

How To Use ClearCase clearfsimport and Avoid Pitfalls

This week we will change things up a bit and have a look at an IBM/Rational ClearCase utility used for importing files into ClearCase source control. The utility command, clearfsimport, can be used to import any sort of file from a variety of other source control...

Declutter your multi-computer desktop with ‘Mouse without Borders’

Declutter your multi-computer desktop with ‘Mouse without Borders’

For the everyday user with a laptop or desktop, this article may not apply. And for those of you who have no need to have more than one PC on your desk -- kudos! But from time to time, its necessary to have several PC's on your desk at the same time -- especially...

The Convergence of ALM and PLM in the Technology Industry

The Convergence of ALM and PLM in the Technology Industry

As more and more technology is embedded into products, and software continues its role as the primary driver for product innovation, the domains of application lifecycle management (ALM) and product lifecycle management (PLM) are being placed on an inevitable...

Calling the Experts to Manage Your IT Network Infrastructure

Calling the Experts to Manage Your IT Network Infrastructure

An often overlooked part of IT network infrastructure management is network security. The majority of business networks, even for small businesses, have a large variety of heterogeneous devices that are working together to provide the services for the various...