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PDM/PLM-Product Data and Lifecycle Management

Accelerating Product Development with Engineering Operations

Accelerating Product Development with Engineering Operations

What is Engineering Operations (EngOps)? Why do you need it, and how do you effectively deploy it?There’s a strange interplay between IT and engineering teams in most firms. That’s because the tech stack that engineers need to design, build, test, and release products...

The problem dispersed design teams face as they scale

The problem dispersed design teams face as they scale

SPK and Associates Co-Founder, Chris McHale, is joined by Cloud and Infrastructure expert, Mike Solinap to talk about engineering productivity in a post-Covid world.  Working remotely, engineering team are challenged by a lack of technology features including...

3 Ways Your PDM isn’t rolled out properly

3 Ways Your PDM isn’t rolled out properly

In this webinar, SPK and Associates co-founder Chris McHale is joined by Edwin Chung to discuss Engineering Ops.  We define Engineering Operations as all of the actionable work that takes place in order for your product teams to engineer your product.  And we believe...

How Hybrid Cloud Can Turbo Charge Your Manufacturing Enterprise

How Hybrid Cloud Can Turbo Charge Your Manufacturing Enterprise

Executive Summary That’s the year public and private cloud-based solutions are set to surpass traditional data centers in terms of overall spending. In 2017, nearly two thirds of spending went toward private cloud solutions. Cloud usage exploded in 2017, to the tune...

Back to the Basics of IoT

Back to the Basics of IoT

Consumers have taken a vanguard role in pushing innovation. IoT is changing the face of data collection, analytics and transmission. The field continues to evolve as new applications for smart devices develop. Download this white paper to learn more about how the...

eBook: Solving the Top PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager Struggles

eBook: Solving the Top PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager Struggles

Executive Summary Over the past few years at SPK, we published many articles on PTC Integrity Lifecycle Manager topics. Our intention was to provide real, hands-on help for PTC Integrity users and managers. We asked ourselves the question: “What are some of the most...

Efficient Reporting in Windchill RV&S (PTC Integrity)

Efficient Reporting in Windchill RV&S (PTC Integrity)

As explored in one of our previous articles, tracking metrics is a crucial component of a successful development system. But how can you leverage those metrics further? The solution is quite simple: with the trace reporting function available in Windchill...