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Requirements/Test Management

The Project Management Skills Gap

The Project Management Skills Gap

When it comes to product innovation and project development, the role of the project manager cannot be underestimated. That's why it's important to take an objective look at the skills and resources available in your organization and determine if a skills gap exists...

Avoid Fatal Product Design Flaws with QA

Avoid Fatal Product Design Flaws with QA

The difference between quality assurance (QA) and testing is often misunderstood. In fact, the terms are frequently used interchangeably. However, testing is actually just one part of QA. Quality assurance, on the other hand, covers a larger, more holistic part of the...

How to Monitor Your APC UPS Units – Part 1

How to Monitor Your APC UPS Units – Part 1

Picture your ideal company technological infrastructure. Servers to handle day to day tasks, servers to do engineering simulations, network equipment to handle communication, network-attached storage for your company critical data, and last but not least,...

Creating a low cost, high performance ESX cluster

Creating a low cost, high performance ESX cluster

As Senior Systems Integrator for SPK and Associates, a California based IT services company specializing in infrastructure management services, I recently completed an interesting project.  The goal was to create an ESX cluster for a small engineering group...

Running Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 on Windows 7, 64-bit

Running Pro/INTRALINK 3.4 on Windows 7, 64-bit

I recently came across a forum post asking for advice on the combination of running Pro/Intralink 3.4 on Windows 7 64-bit. In short, I’m happy to report that we’ve been using this combination without incident: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1, PTC...

Security layers on a modern website

Security layers on a modern website

Last time, we looked at a basic website design.   Now it’s time to start digging into the details around what’s really being used behind the scenes.   This time, we’ll focus on security aspects.  When a user starts their browser and connects...