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Software Development & Release Management

Calling the Experts to Manage Your IT Network Infrastructure

Calling the Experts to Manage Your IT Network Infrastructure

An often overlooked part of IT network infrastructure management is network security. The majority of business networks, even for small businesses, have a large variety of heterogeneous devices that are working together to provide the services for the various...

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: People

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: People

There are things in every system that if they fail will cause the entire system to be crippled. These single points of failure can be hardware based, software based or even people based. If a problem occurs in these sensitive areas then an entire business can grind to...

How to Install the Hudson Continuous Integration Tool on Windows

How to Install the Hudson Continuous Integration Tool on Windows

This week we are going to begin taking a look at Hudson, a widely used continuous build and integration tool. Hudson is a state of the art continuous build tool which now has seen wide adoption for software engineering. Hudson supports most of the more prominent...

How to Migrate a Site using MODX Content Management System

How to Migrate a Site using MODX Content Management System

When copying a site from one host to another, you may want to change user, password, database, directory structure or URL -- and when deploying website, you may occasionally run into a new content manager that you need to understand enough to move the site to a new...

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: Hardware

How to Deal with Single Points of Failure: Hardware

Continuing our series on why economizing in the wrong areas can leave your business at risk, it is time to start considering single points of failure. A single point of failure is a part of your IT and development system, be it human, software, hardware or...

6 Tips for Designing an Effective Data Entry GUI

6 Tips for Designing an Effective Data Entry GUI

There is a subtle art to creating an appealing, well-structured data entry graphical user interface (GUI). Due to the repetitive interaction users have with data entry GUIs, small things like choice of colors and the size of margins can have actual consequences...

9 Ways To Repurpose an Underperforming Laptop

9 Ways To Repurpose an Underperforming Laptop

In a recent post, I discussed how to resolve 3 common (yet significant) issues with a broken laptop. Chances are, even if the issue is fixed, your computer may not run as well as it used to. But all hope is not lost. Say for instance you have an old 1.2ghz Celeron...

How to Resolve 3 Common Laptop Issues

How to Resolve 3 Common Laptop Issues

For many of us, having old hardware laying around means clutter for the desk or maybe an investment that you're not quite ready to dispose of. Maybe you have a laptop that a child stepped on or was damaged when you "accidentally" dropped it. Whatever the reason, old...

6 Reasons to Use VMWare Workstation for Prototyping and Testing

6 Reasons to Use VMWare Workstation for Prototyping and Testing

Why would the average engineer want to create and use a virtual machine on their laptop or workstation? After all, usually an engineer has a perfectly good machine to work with, right? That may be true. Perhaps the engineer may even have access to more than one...

How does the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid Taste?

How does the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid Taste?

I’m just going to come out and say it: I drank the Windows Phone 8 Kool-Aid. My coworkers mock me, and I accept this. But darn it, I want to believe! (and it tastes a lot better than what I was drinking before.) And it's certainly better than if I wandered over to the...

Speed up your Website with Limelight

Speed up your Website with Limelight

Today’s clients are global -- and today’s content is rich. Without adapting to the use of modern tools, dynamic content can slow down the performance of your website, frustrating your potential customers. The problems of hosting international sites are well known:...