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Integrating Meld with Git under Linux

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Written by SPK Blog Post
Published on January 27, 2012

Have you ever used Git? Git has quickly grown to become one of today’s most popular source code management solutions for software engineering projects large, small, professional and personal. Developed by Linus Torvalds, Git is classified as a “distributed version control system (DVCS) with an emphasis on speed.”

How about Meld? Meld describes itself as “a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers,” and in this author’s opinion, is vastly more intuitive than Git’s built-in diff tool. Meld allows versions of documents to be compared side-by-side, with color-coded highlighting and arrows indicating additions, deletions and modifications.


Because Git and Meld are so great at what they do, let’s integrate them to work together so that when we need to perform a diff operation Meld is launched automatically with the appropriate files.
Keep reading for my how-to guide on Integrating Meld with Git under Linux to learn about pairing up these great tools!

David Hubbell
SPK Software Engineer

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