Navigating the differences between Bitbucket Cloud vs Data Center involves assessing deployment flexibility, compliance, security, and more. Software environments are in constant flux. And, Bitbucket Server is reaching end of life (EOL) in February 2024. So, it’s time to decide your next move. Will you remain on an unsupported Server? Is Bitbucket Data Center future proofed for your own business flux? Or is it time to bite the bullet and hop into Cloud solutions? Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you decide.
Bitbucket Server’s End of Life (EOL) Timeline
If you’re already on Data Center, skip to the next section. But, if you’re stuck on Server, keep these dates released by Atlassian at the forefront of your mind:
- February 2, 2021: Atlassian stopped the sale of new licenses for their Server products, turning its focus to the Cloud and Data Center solutions. No more new features will be developed for the Server product line from this date.
- February 15, 2022: At this point, Atlassian shifted its support for the Server products to only cover security bug fixes for critical vulnerabilities.
- February 2, 2024: This is the official end of support date for Server products. Beyond this, no support will be provided.

Additionally, if you are running Bitbucket Server on Windows, this transition presents specific challenges and considerations.
Migrating Away from Windows Hosting
Firstly, Bitbucket Server 7.21 marks the end of Windows hosting support, with Bitbucket 8.0 and onward supporting only Linux. Next, while this shift affects server operations, Windows client operations remain undisturbed, as Bitbucket Data Center and Cloud maintain consistent support. So, if you are using Windows hosting, you must decide if you will:
- Permissions: While Data Center has the System administrator permission, Cloud uses the workspace administrator role, which offers expansive control over the workspace, user management, and billing.
- Backups: Cloud has backups for disaster recovery, whereas in Data Center, you might have had manual interventions.
- Single Sign-On: Available in both but comes with specific conditions in the Cloud variant.
Considering Bitbucket Cloud vs Data Center?
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Bitbucket Cloud Advantages:
- Snyk Integration: Shift-left on security with this built-in feature to scan vulnerabilities pre-deployment.
- Two-step Verification: Enhanced security for private repositories, ensuring only verified users access sensitive data.
- Unique Repository Names: Every repository within a workspace or project in the Cloud must have a unique name, offering clarity.

Check out the full comparison of Bitbucket Cloud vs Data Centre with this printable infographic.
Data Center Specificities:
- Git Large File Storage: While LFS is available in Cloud without file size restrictions, storage limits vary based on plans.
- Upload Limit: Data Center users could change the default 10 MB upload limit. This isn’t configurable in Cloud.

Need Support Migrating Bitbucket In Your Business?
Tech solutions are constantly changing. And, as you innovate, your tools must adapt. Transitioning to Bitbucket Data Center or Cloud, may pose challenges. However, with informed strategies, you can enhance your code collaboration and deployment solutions. Stay updated with Atlassian’s updates, and consider expert guidance from a trusted partner when in doubt.
As an Atlassian Gold Solution Partner, SPK and Associates offers a distinctive perspective on Atlassian migrations and upgrades, backed by a wide range of tools and expertise. Navigating data transfers, customizations, 3rd party Atlassian Marketplace plugins, security, compliance, and other factors can be complex. Engaging with our experts ensures the success of your project.
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