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The Business Case for Moving from ENOVIA to Windchill PLM

windchill features best plm software
Written by Edwin Chung
Published on June 7, 2024

With many PLM solutions on the market, it can be difficult to know which is best for your business needs. Dassault Systèmes’ ENOVIA is a popular choice as it is part of their 3DExperience platform. ENOVIA has the same goal as every PLM software which is to manage a product’s lifecycle, but it may not be the best option for everyone.  Discover the reasons why SPK’s experts recommend switching to Windchill PLM.

Windchill PLM

Windchill by PTC is a PLM software solution designed to manage a product’s lifecycle. Its capabilities include managing product data, configurations, BOMs, projects, and compliance regulations. Additionally, Windchill offers collaboration tools and integration abilities allowing users to work together on CAD or ERP systems. Windchill also has visualization and data analytic tools to view models and track insights. 

windchill features best plm software
PTC Windchill reviews
Why You Should Be Using PTC Windchill As Your PLM Software featured image

Switching From ENOVIA to Windchill

On the surface, these two PLM solutions appear similar. However, when you start to dig deeper you uncover some interesting differences between the two. Let’s explore these and determine why experts and customers prefer Windchill.

Innovate Faster 

The first reason Windchill may be preferred over ENOVIA is its intuitive, customizable user interface leading to higher productivity levels. Windchill’s flexibility differs from its competitor ENOVIA as Dassault’s products integrate better with internal products. It should be noted if your company focuses solely on CAD, this may work well. However, PTC has discovered some ENOVIA customers struggle to introduce AR/VR to their programs. This displays a lack of multi-CAD and ECAD capabilities. Windchill’s ability to introduce these additions enables better visualization, interaction, and collaboration for users. In addition to all of this, Windchill can successfully adapt to compliance standards, resulting in more efficient workflows. 

enovia to windchill windchill plm

Integrate Easier

As briefly mentioned before, Windchill’s integration capabilities are seamless. Windchill easily integrates with other PTC products as well as ERP systems like SAP and Oracle. While ENOVIA can also integrate with other systems, a majority of its customers only utilize Dassault products. This is due to Dassault products commonly having integration issues. Dassault is good at integrating CAD, simulation, and factory work instructions, but it could improve its integration of eBOMs and mBOMs. Switching to Dassault means understanding that many of the integrations you had with third parties may no longer be supported.

Lower Costs

If Windchill’s capabilities are not enough, it also has competitive pricing. Windchill’s implementation costs combined with the ongoing support from PTC create a wonderful ROI for its users. Additionally, Windchill’s integration capabilities and intuitive system enhance productivity, also contributing to the ROI. According to this case study, STRATTEC found that their annual Windchill ROI was 122% with a payback period of 0.9 years. In comparison, customers have found that ENOVIA is costly while lacking modern capabilities. This direct comparison displays Windchill’s out-of-the-box functions compared to ENOVIA’s. Some of ENOVIA’s add-on capabilities, (which are an extra expense), are included with Windchill at no additional cost. One user in a G2 review of ENOVIA stated the PLM software is not as affordable as other PLM tools which is why they believe businesses tend to use alternatives. Others complain of the high licensing cost which makes ENOVIA a poor choice for smaller businesses due to lack of accessibility. While ENOVIA is not a bad product, these costs are certainly a drawback. A great example of this is although both PTC and Dassault offer cloud solutions, many Dassault customers stay on-premise due to costs and lack of flexibility. 

enovia to windchill windchill plm


In addition to pricing and capabilities, PTC provides comprehensive support services for their customers. Switching to Windchill doesn’t have to be a challenge with the resources PTC provides. In addition to these resources, Windchill is an extremely popular PLM solution meaning there is a plethora of knowledge on this topic online. In fact, SPK has written multiple blogs on Windchill. 

Ready to Make the Move? 

After discovering the differences between ENOVIA and Windchill, you may want to make the switch. Windchill offers performance advantages for many industries, and it may be a good fit for your business. If you would like to learn more or want help making the switch, SPK’s experts can provide you with the information you need. Contact us today. 

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