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White Papers / eBooks

Below you will find researched reports or guides on topics chosen by the experts at SPK and Associates.  Our team looks for complicated problems that we’ve solved in order to share with others.  Our goal is to share our knowledge in order to create better products, faster and better than ever before.

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Digital Transforms The Oil & Gas Industry

Digital Transforms The Oil & Gas Industry

The need for oil and gas is increasing globally, opposing the demand for sustainability practices. This conflict has pushed oil companies to reassess their production methods. These methods must be the most efficient, meeting customer demands and sustainability goals...

Azure Savings Plan for Compute

Azure Savings Plan for Compute

Is your business interested in utilizing Azure but unsure of the cost investment? Discover Azure Savings Plan for Compute. This plan allows users to save money by offering a fixed hourly cost for 1-3 years.  Discover Azure Savings Plan for Compute Explore the features...