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White Papers / eBooks

Below you will find researched reports or guides on topics chosen by the experts at SPK and Associates.  Our team looks for complicated problems that we’ve solved in order to share with others.  Our goal is to share our knowledge in order to create better products, faster and better than ever before.

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Windows Server on Azure Ultimate Guide

Windows Server on Azure Ultimate Guide

As technology progresses, more and more businesses are adopting cloud infrastructure. This shift can be difficult to adapt to, but it doesn't have to be. With Windows Server and Microsoft Azure, businesses can easily integrate their data and applications with the...

Driving Business Success with DevSecOps eBook

Driving Business Success with DevSecOps eBook

Looking for a way to revolutionize your approach to software development, security, and operations? You just found it. This free eBook, brought to you by SPK and GitLab, is your gateway to understanding DevSecOps. The evolution from DevOps to DevSecOps is not just a...

ISO 26262 Top 8 Blunders

ISO 26262 Top 8 Blunders

Are you navigating the complex terrain of automotive development? In an industry where the lines of code have surged from 10 million to a staggering 100 million in the last decade, ensuring functional safety has become paramount. And, as the automotive landscape...