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White Papers / eBooks

Below you will find researched reports or guides on topics chosen by the experts at SPK and Associates.  Our team looks for complicated problems that we’ve solved in order to share with others.  Our goal is to share our knowledge in order to create better products, faster and better than ever before.

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Simulation 101 for Non-CAE Experts

Simulation 101 for Non-CAE Experts

Simulation is a powerful tool for predicting and optimizing the behavior of engineering systems, contributing to more efficient and cost-effective product development. And, the primary advantage of simulation in Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) is that it allows...

Agile Software Development and Atlassian Products (Jira, Bitbucket, Bamboo)

Agile Software Development and Atlassian Products (Jira, Bitbucket, Bamboo)

Unlocking the Power of Collaboration and Efficiency Tired of trying to overcome the pain points of traditional software development methods? Frustrated with slow project delivery? Struggling with team collaboration? Version control nightmares? Worry no more. You can...

The Microsoft Teams Essentials eBook

The Microsoft Teams Essentials eBook

Ready to work more efficiently in your organization? Then check out Microsoft Teams Essentials. With over 250 million active users, Microsoft Teams is now a staple software for collaborative teams. And, the software supports 53 languages and 1 billion monthly 1-to-1...