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White Papers / eBooks

Below you will find researched reports or guides on topics chosen by the experts at SPK and Associates.  Our team looks for complicated problems that we’ve solved in order to share with others.  Our goal is to share our knowledge in order to create better products, faster and better than ever before.

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Becoming An Atlassian Cloud Admin

Becoming An Atlassian Cloud Admin

Making the move to cloud products like Atlassian from the self-managed products?  You may be wondering how the role as an admin will also evolve. In this white paper you'll discover an in-depth analysis of the four areas for the future of the Atlassian cloud...

How AWS Cloud Solutions Can Help Your Manufacturing Enterprise Maintain Its Competitive Edge

How AWS Cloud Solutions Can Help Your Manufacturing Enterprise Maintain Its Competitive Edge

Executive Summary In 2020, public and private cloud-based solutions like Amazon Web Services surpassed traditional data centers in terms of overall spending. In 2017, nearly two thirds of spending went toward private cloud solutions. Cloud usage exploded in 2017, to...