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SPK vCAD™ – Cloud-based CAD for Modern Engineering

SPK vCAD™, a cloud based engineering platform, is an easy-to-use product. It allows you to quickly set up and manage virtual workstations in a SaaS platform, optimized for MCAD, ECAD, and FEA applications such as SolidWorks, Creo, Cadence, Ansys, and more.  It can also be effectively deployed for software development teams as a cloud development environment (CDE). vCAD enables your team to create engineering workstations that are preconfigured with your engineering applications and tools. All this, at the touch of a button. For years, we have heard that companies want to keep their engineering application investment but enjoy the power of the cloud. Now, you can bring new engineers or drafters onboard in just minutes. With vCAD, there’s no more waiting for IT to buy and configure new desktops or laptops. And with end-to-end SSL encryption along with endpoint security powered by AI to secure your session, why shouldn’t you try vCAD now?

Schedule a Demo of vCAD to see if it's right for you!

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Improve Performance of CAD Apps

Drastically improve the performance of MCAD, EDA, and FEA apps for remote engineers. Design from anywhere.

Secure CAD Data and IP

Secure your proprietary designs and sharing of these designs between engineers, contract manufacturers and acquired companies.

Simple, Affordable, Scalable

Provision computing for new and contract engineers quickly. Scale your engineering team easily and affordably.

Does SPK vCAD Fit Your Use Case?

SPK vCAD is a versatile software solution that caters to a wide range of needs across various industries. In mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD), it empowers engineers to create precise 3D models and prototypes with ease. For electronic computer-aided design (ECAD), it offers seamless integration for circuit design and PCB layout. Additionally, SPK vCAD extends its capabilities to software engineering, graphical design, and video editing, making it a comprehensive tool for professionals across diverse fields, streamlining their creative and technical processes.

Why we built SPK vCAD™ – Remote Engineers

One of the biggest issues for engineering groups still fully reliant on On-Premise systems is how to access their critical design tools when working from remote design centers, or from home. There are a myriad of challenges — difficulties tapping into the design software through the corporate virtual private networks (VPNs), limitations with existing software licenses, and so on. CAD, simulation and high-end visualization and design tools are typically susceptible to remote access challenges. Yet, traditional IT services within most companies don’t have the bandwidth, or deep domain experience and skill set required to manage remote engineering design applications. These are the lifeblood of product development.

Sound like a problem in the making? You bet! Particularly when it impacts the productivity of your engineering development team.  That’s why we built vCAD.


Benefits of SPK vCAD™:

  • Virtual CAD provides optimized performance, support and management of engineering design applications for remote design centers, and work-from-home teams.
  • Provides deep remote monitoring down to the application level to ensure that engineering design apps are up and running at the level of performance that design engineers expect.
  • Ensures issues with Solidworks/PDM and Creo/Windchill check-out and check-in and other CAD, simulation and high-end visualization and design tools flow, as if they were on-site.
  • Provides engineering managers with visibility to engineering productivity metrics for engineers working remotely.

Spending too much time on IT and physical equipment?

SPK vCAD™ solves many IT and engineering problems based upon the ease of use, scalability and performance it provides to product teams.  Contact us so we can show you how vCAD™ can benefit you in just 15 minutes.
Request a Demo

High Performance Computing for MCAD/EDA/FEA Engineers

The world of product development has changed.  Engineers no longer live and work in one building, or even multiple buildings connected by a company WAN.  Remote engineers on your team may live across the ocean.  And so, in the world of mechanical and electronic CAD, distributed teams like this cause poor performance of their engineering apps.  Moreover, many companies still deploy their CAD/EDA/FEA apps on local laptops and servers.  In today’s hyper-competitive world of product development, this is like tying a ball and chain around your ankle as you prepare for a sprint.  cloud based CAD is the answer.

Recognizing the trend among companies to rely on remote design teams for agility and innovation, SPK and Associates developed a secure, cloud hosted Virtual Engineering Platform that enables these teams to work remotely without interruption, 24/7.

vCAD is capable of running a heavy graphical processing load required by MCAD designers. And, coupled with our PDM in the Cloud, this solution removes the pains of designing for remote engineers. Furthermore, cloud based CAD can also be configured to easily run CPU-intensive FEA analyses.

In addition to enabling a remote workforce with the application performance they require, this cloud solution also simplifies and reduces the cost of your current infrastructure.  In turn, it delivers instant ROI and increased productivity.  Companies are guaranteed rapid deployment, secure hosting, predictable costs, and 24/7 application management and support, optimization and updates from SPK’s experienced engineering technology specialists.

What Our Clients Say

"SPK has been an invaluable partner in transforming our software development process. With SPK's guidance, our team embraced efficient methodologies and cutting-edge tools, significantly improving our development cycle and product quality."

Joshua Talbert
CEO, mysherpas

"Working with SPK feels like working with co-workers in my company, not like interacting with a typical technical support vendor. SPK staff are responsive and partner with me."

Jay DiToro
Director of Systems & Technology, Veranex

"The personalized attention and detailed communication we receive working with SPK and Associates is pretty special. The accessibility of SPK team members is impressive."

Evan Bruck
Director, Active Device Research and Development, BBraun Medical Inc.

Reasons to use a Cloud-based CAD

  • Coupled with SPK’s SolidWorks PDM in the Cloud, provides exceptional performance for all engineers, especially remote workers.

  • Protects company IP by never having CAD design files available or stored on remote engineers’ devices.

  • Saves days of time getting new or contract engineers up and working.

  • No large cash outlay to outfit engineers.

  • Scale up or down easily and affordably.

Find vCAD in the AWS Marketplace



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